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I am a huge dog lover and I can't image my life without a dog companion in it. Bella is my Jack Russel and we live in Sunny California! I rescued her nine years ago when she was only 4 months old after she was dumped and left to live a life on the streets. Having her in my life has made me a better person. 

I have always wanted to have my own line of Dog Accessories but life always got in the way. Recently, I personally became a Cancer survivor. While battling the disease, I learned that the things I thought were important, weren't so much! Cancer taught me to do the little things that I loved and not put off the chance to be kind, helpful and happy. Today I am thankful that I am able to share my heart and passion with you.  Follow me as I expand my brand to also bring you SWAGGER BABY - Adorable Custom Baby apparel! I hope you, your baby and your pup enjoy our new Swag and remember to take time to do what you Love! 



Follow Us on Instagram @myswaggerpup

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